Secret Word

Base Comfortable More Comfortable

The output appears here. (hopefully...)


Guess the secret word from a set of 3 words: "banana", "chisel" and "faucet". The words will not be repeated twice in a row and the number of times the player needs to guess correctly in a row changes between rounds.

Secret Word

To win the game, the player must guess correctly twice in total.

Secret Word Twice in a Row

The player needs to guess correctly twice in a row to win.

Secret Word X in a Row

The number of times the player needs to guess correctly in a row changes between rounds. A round is defined as all gameplay until a player wins. The number of times the player needs to guess correctly is a number from 2 to 4, randomly chosen at the start of the round. When the player wins, the computer updates the number of times the player needs to guess correctly in a row for the upcoming round.

Secret Word Twice in a Row 2

Secret words will not be repeated twice in a row. E.g. If the secret word for the first guess was "banana", the secret word for the next guess will be either "chisel" or "faucet".

  • Secret Word
  • Secret Word Twice in a Row
  • Secret Word X in a Row
More Comfortable
  • Secret Word Twice in a Row 2